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I was born May 17th, 1978 at Womack Army Hospital in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.  My parents already had 6 children (Raymond, Russell, Rodrick, Rochele, Randall and Richard), but mom thought it would be good to have another one.  My first taste of music came when I was 4.  Mom started teaching me piano lessons, and I hated it. That didn't matter much because there was no way mom and dad would let me quit.  They would make all 7 kids practice piano and voice every day.  Since there were so many of us, mom thought it would be a good idea to form a family gospel singing group.  She would dress us all up in matching polyester suits and take us to church homecomings to sing.  When I was 7 I got the fever to want to learn how to play the guitar.  So mom and dad bought me a Harmony guitar from Sears for my 8th birthday.  

You know you wanna

Debut Album "Step Back Cadillac" Now Available!!


Radford Windham & Step Back Cadillac

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